Agenda item

P17/V2479/RM - King Alfred School, East Springfield Road, Wantage

A reserved matters application to determine layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the development of 150 dwellings.


Councillors St.John Dickson and Julia Reynolds stepped down from committee and took no part in the debate or voting for this item.


The committee considered reserved matters application P17/V2479/RM to determine the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the development of 150 dwellings at King Alfred School, East Springfield Road, Wantage.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report which formed part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Officer update: Wantage Town Council have raised no objections to the application; four additional objections from residents have been received which raise matters already addressed in the committee reports; and an extra condition is recommended for details of the footpath link to Charlton Road to the north of the site to be submitted prior to commencement.


Alun Bunney, Bernard Connelly and Leone Smith spoke objecting to the application. 


Mike Robinson, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


St.John Dickson, one of the local ward councillors, spoke to the application. 


In response to questions raised by the committee, the officers reported that:

·         The total number of car parking spaces across the development exceeds policy requirements;

·         The minimum back to back distance between upper floor rear facing habitable windows of 21 metres has been met across the scheme and it is therefore compliant with the design guide;

·         While part of open space provision for the scheme includes an attenuation pond area, it would be useable as a recreational space outside of times of flooding (one in thirty-year events) and therefore on balance is acceptable;

·         A condition is included for lighting arrangements within the site;

·         A request for native deciduous trees to be included in the landscaping scheme was noted by officers;

·         Permitted development can be restricted on the land between plot numbers 80 and 81; and

·         Members requested that the agent make contact with the residents of 32 Fyfield Close with regards to boundary treatments, which was noted by officers.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application with the extra conditions for a footpath link and permitted development restrictions detailed above, was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P17/V2479/RM, subject to the following conditions:


1.    Approved plans.

2.    Material details to be agreed.

3.    Boundary details to be agreed.

4.    Traffic calming details to be agreed.

5.    Details of play area to be agreed including boundary fencing.

6.    Landscape details – including additional planting and replacement planting to be agreed.

7.    Sustainable drainage scheme in accordance with updated flood risk assessment to be agreed.

8.    Slab level details to be agreed.

9.    Street lighting details to be agreed.

10. Parking and turning areas in accordance with plans.

11. Hours of construction work.

12. Obscure glazing to upper floor side-facing bathroom windows where necessary.

13. Details of the footpath link to Charlton Road to the north of the site to be submitted, prior to commencement.

14. Permitted development restriction on land between plot numbers 80 and 81.



Supporting documents: