Agenda item

Former Esso Research Centre, Milton Hill. P13/V1139/FUL


The officer presented the report on an application to construct a class B8 home deliveries centre with vehicle maintenance building, gatehouse, vehicle fuelling and washing facilities, van and staff parking, service yard, revised access from the A4103, emergency access from Featherbed Lane, landscaping and associated infrastructure. Consultations, representations, policy and guidance and this site’s planning history are detailed in the officer’s report which forms part of the agenda pack for this meeting.


Updates from the report

·       An on-site archaeological study was stated as having commenced, this was not the case however the County Council were content to use conditions.

·       The power to be generated from photovoltaic cells had not been confirmed.

·       The S106 agreement with Oxfordshire County Council was likely to be signed shortly.


Ms J Palmer, representing Infinium UK, spoke objecting to the application. The points she raised included:

·           the adverse impact of noise, particularly from vehicle reversing beepers, from the loading areas on the business’s company headquarters;

·           the adverse impact on road safety of the increased traffic moving on and around the site, and onto and off the A4130.


Mr P Edwards, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application. The points he raised included:

·       this was the first phase of a scheme which had consent for distribution and industrial use;

·       the centre would create less traffic than the previously permitted scheme;

·       there would be additional signage on the A4130;

·       the noise assessment had taken Infinium into account;

·       vehicle reversing beepers would be turned off on-site;

·       deliveries to the centre would generally be between 9pm and 6am.


Councillor Bill Jones, one of the ward councillors, spoke about the application. The points he raised included the need for better access for emergency vehicles and to the A4130; and that this would be a dominant building in the landscape.


The committee considered this application, with advice from officers where appropriate; the discussion covered the following points:

·           Highways, traffic generation, and road safety;

·           Employment and economic benefit;

·           The impact of the building, and the potential impact of signs on the building.


A vote to confirm the officer’s recommendation to grant planning permission with additional conditions to require an agreed travel plan, encourage the use of major not minor roads in the area, and to restrict the use of the vehicle facilities to the distribution centre operator was carried.


RESOLVED (unanimous by vote):

That following a S278 and S106 agreement with the County Council, planning permission for application P13/V1139/FUL be granted, subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement three years - full planning permission.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    CN12 - Access for archaeological investigation. (Full).

4.    LS2[I] - Landscaping scheme (implement) (Full).

5.    Drainage – SUDS scheme – surface water and sewage – prior to occupation.

6.    Archaeology – watching brief, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

7.    Materials – submission.

8.    Contamination clause – where further pollution is discovered.

9.    Contamination – water courses.

10.Agreed travel plan.

11.Use of the vehicle maintenance building, vehicle fuelling and washing facilities restricted to the operator of the distribution centre only.

12.Agreed vehicle routing plan.


Informative: signage on the building should be discrete, non-illuminated and low level and will require express advertisement consent.

Supporting documents: