Venue: Meeting Room 1, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE
Contact: Ben Silverthorne, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Election of a chair To elect a chair for this hearing. Minutes: A motion moved and seconded, to elect Councillor Ron Batstone as chair of the panel was carried on being put to the vote.
Declarations of interest To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests and non-registrable interests or any conflicts of interest in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. Minutes: |
Procedure for the meeting To note the procedure for this meeting. Minutes: |
Application for a Premises License - Nam Taco Bar, Wantage To consider the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic. Minutes: The panel considered the application for a Premises Licence for Nam Taco Bar, Wantage. Licensing Officer The Licensing Officer laid out the proposed application and noted the number of representations made regarding the application, one representation in total. It was noted by the officer that Mrs Sarah Waring was representing the representations made by Mr Mike Waring. The chair then allowed the applicant, the panel, and other parties to ask questions of clarification for the Licensing Officer, none were asked. The applicant The applicant began their case by dealing with the objections made about the licence through six key points. 1) The alcohol licence is later than the closing times of premises to ensure that the establishment remains in line with the law. 2) Public Nuisance: The applicant encouraged any complaints made or concerns raised to be contacted to him directly to be able to sort out the problems quickly and efficiently, as he had in his previous businesses. The applicant further added regarding noise complaints, the area of Wantage receives very little noise complaints in relation to restaurants. 3) Smell and Odour: All the food being made in the premises will be plant based only and there will be no deep fat frier, thus limiting the potential smells and odour. 4) Takeaway: There is no plan for the applicant to do any forms of takeaways, the only reason for applying for it was in case of certain circumstances that would require them to move to a takeaway based business, such as another pandemic. With no takeaways will lower the risk of road blockages. 5) Smoking outside: The applicant highlighted a pub that had previously changed into a pizzeria close to the location of the premises and the lack of cigarette butts and people smoking outside. The applicant used this to explain how he feels smoking will not be a serious issue for his establishment and was willing for the incidents where smoking is taking place that they work with residents and the council to ensure guidelines are properly followed. 6) Neighbour relations: The applicant stated that one of his main focuses was to ensure that neighbours are treated with the utmost respect, mentioning times where he had worked at other establishments which did not do this and the impact it had on him. The applicant stressed the desire to work with the neighbourhood and keep them happy. The applicant apologised for confusion caused with licensing applications and that they are new to the process, as it is the first restaurant they have opened in the UK. The chair then asked the panel if they had any questions of clarification for the applicant. Questions were asked about where the experience of running restaurants was if it was his first establishment in the UK. The applicant stated that much of his work had been done in Hong Kong. Other questions were raised about the use of the bar, as could the applicant envisage people coming into the establishment to simply have ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE