103 Corporate Plan 2020-2024 PDF 138 KB
Cabinet, at its meeting on 2 October 2020, will consider the report of the acting deputy chief executive – transformation and operations on the corporate plan 2020-2024.
The report, which Cabinet will consider on 2 October 2020, is attached.
Cabinet’s recommendations will be circulated to all councillors.
Additional documents:
Council noted that the papers published for the meeting did not include the revised appendix four which was drafted following the Scrutiny Committee meeting held on . In light of this Council agreed to defer consideration of this item to a further meeting to be held before the end of October.
Mark Stone, Chief Executive, apologised to councillors for this error.
38 Corporate plan 2020-2024 PDF 138 KB
To consider the report of the acting deputy chief executive – transformation and operations.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered the report of the acting deputy chief executive – transformation and operations. The report set out feedback from the consultation on the draft corporate plan for 2020 to 2024.
The Cabinet member with responsibility for the corporate plan thanked all those who had responded during the consultation. There had been 773 responses. The feedback had been positive and helpful. As a result, the plan had been amended and had received Scrutiny Committee’s support. Following the Scrutiny Committee meeting, the draft plan had been updated and an amended appendix 4 to the report had been circulated to Cabinet members. Council would be asked to adopt the plan and a marketing launch would be held at the end of October.
Cabinet welcomed the consultation responses and the amended draft plan. Councillors also thanked officers for their work on the plan and thanked the public for the encouraging feedback.
RESOLVED: to agree the final content to be included in the Vale of White Horse District Council Corporate Plan 2020-2024, including the revised appendix 4 submitted to Cabinet meeting on 2 October 2020; and
RECOMMENDED: to Council on 7 October 2020 to adopt the Vale of White Horse District Council Corporate Plan 2020-2024 set out in Appendix 4 to the acting deputy chief executive – transformation and operations’ report to Cabinet on 2 October 2020, with a marketing material launch following on 30 October 2020.
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE