100 Making the Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Development Plan Review PDF 89 KB
At its meeting on 7 October 2020, Cabinet will consider a report on the progress of the Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Development Plan Review and the relevant considerations in relation to whether the revised plan should be made (formally adopted).
The report of the head of planning, which Cabinet considered on 25 September 2020, is attached.
Additional documents:
Council considered Cabinet’s recommendations, made at its meeting on 25 September 2020, on the progress of the Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Development Plan Review and the relevant considerations in relation to whether the revised plan should be made (formally adopted).
Concern was expressed that neither of the local ward councillors were consulted or were aware of the process. Councillor Hallett, Cabinet member responsible for neighbourhood plans, shared the concern and undertook to investigate and respond to the two ward councillors.
26 Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Plan PDF 89 KB
To consider the head of planning’s report.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member for corporate services and transformation, Councillor Debby Hallett, introduced the Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Plan. Working with the Parish, non-material changes have been made. The Parish has agreed to make minor changes and the Parish submitted a revised plan.
Cabinet was asked to authorise the head of planning, in consultation with the Cabinet member for corporate services and transformation, and in agreement with the Qualifying Body, to make non-material changes, such as the correction of any spelling, grammatical, typographical or factual errors together with any improvements from a presentational perspective.
Cabinet congratulated all those involved for their work on the revised Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Plan.
RECOMMENDED to Council on 7 October 2020: to
(a) make the revised Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Development Plan, as set out in
Appendix 2 of the head of planning’s report to Cabinet on 25 September 2020, so
that it becomes part of the council’s development plan; and
typographical or factual errors together with any improvements from a presentational
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE