14 Funding agreement - flood risk in Abingdon PDF 148 KB
To consider the acting deputy chief executive for partnership and planning’s report.
Councillor Neil Fawcett declared a personal interest in this item as he lived in the area that had previously been impacted by flooding. However, the proposal set out in the report did not directly affect his property and therefore he remained in the meeting during consideration of this item.
Cabinet considered the report of the acting deputy chief executive – partnership and planning. The report summarised the background and work to date on the flood management schemes in Abingdon and future contributions to the project. The report also sought authority to enter into an agreement with the Environment Agency to determine the level of the council’s contribution and the conditions surrounding the council’s involvement.
Cabinet noted that the Environment Agency’s previous flood relief project had proved to be too expensive. Focus had since shifted towards natural flood management opportunities in the catchment of the River Ock in Abingdon. This included changing the way land was managed so soil and trees could absorb more water. The report set out the costs involved and proposed a council contribution of £68,075.
Cabinet noted that the council’s options were to:
1. Do nothing – the council was not obliged to provide any funding to the Environment Agency, which could seek alternative funding from other organisations.
2. Contribute £68,075 to natural flood management opportunities in Abingdon.
3. Contribute a lesser amount.
Cabinet considered that option 2 would provide the most appropriate and cost-effective way forward to mitigate the flood risk in Abingdon. Additionally, it demonstrated the council’s commitment to working and engaging with partners to find environmentally-friendly solutions and represented a significant contribution towards the project. Cabinet also asked officers to work on a media release to publicise this project.
(b) authorise the head of legal and democratic, in consultation with the deputy chief executive - partnership and planning, to finalise the terms of and enter into an agreement with the Environment Agency as to the terms on which the contribution is to be made, the assistance in kind given, and the terms on which the Environment Agency is to provide reports to the council following completion of the work.
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE