


Care Home site Centre West Phase Kingsgrove Oxfordshire






Reserved Matters application for the construction of a 72bed care home (Use Class C2), with associated access, parking, landscaping, plant, and site infrastructure, pursuant to outline planning permission P19/V1269/FUL.  Details submitted in accordance with conditions 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 43, 48 and 54. As amended by plans and information received 29 September 2021, 28 October 2021, and 17 December 2021.



Andy Crawford

Patrick O'Leary



Care UK



Stuart Walker






To approve the Reserved Matters, subject to the following:




1.   Approved plans

2.   Travel Plan implementation



1.   Details pursuant to conditions 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33,

      34, 35, 37, 38, 43, 47, 48 and 54 of outline planning permission

      P19/V1269/FUL are agreed for this phase through the approval of the

      Reserved Matters application.


2.   The applicant is reminded of the obligation of compliance with the

      relevant conditions on the outline application that apply to this phase

      (e.g., CEMP & LEMP implementation).





This application was considered by committee on 7 December 2021 where it was resolved to defer the decision for further revision of the proposal. A copy of the original report is attached at Appendix 1.




The reasons for deferral related to the following:


1.    Concerns on the layout of car-parking spaces to serve the site.

2.    Concerns for public safety arising from the lack of a continuous pedestrian pavement on the external road outside the proposed development.




In response the applicant has submitted a revised layout plan attached at Appendix 2.  This includes a continuous footway requested by committee and amends the orientation of car parking spaces, so they are parallel to the street.




The changes to the scheme have been made in direct response to address comments raised by councillors at the committee.  To make way for the pedestrian footpath, parallel spaces result in the loss of two spaces.  The applicant (and the Crab Hill lead developer, St Modwen) has advised these spaces will not be replaced elsewhere on the wider Crab Hill site.  The total number of spaces for the proposal is therefore 32.





Responses received in relation to the submission of the revised layout are summarised below. A full copy of all the comments made can be seen online at



Wantage Town Council


·         Wantage Town Council is pleased to see that safety concerns have been addressed, but still have concerns about insufficient parking spaces, given there will be 48 members of staff at peak times. Information from The Department for Transport states that 75% of workers travel to work by car.

·         Wantage Town Council would like to see a pedestrian route marked out to show the route from the car park to the building.



No responses received.


Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group


·         Financial contribution towards expansion of Wantage PCN practices is required. (This is not material to the assessment of a Reserved Matters application).


Oxfordshire County Council

Transport: No objection.

·         The applicant has submitted amended plans in relation to the proposals, which show a continuous footway along the southern side of the access road adjacent to the site, together with car parking located parallel to the carriageway. The amended layout is acceptable.

·         It is noted that there will be a reduction in kerbside parking (two spaces) from that previously proposed.  As the development is not dependant on this parking provision, there is no objection in this regard.

·         It is noted that the number of cycle parking spaces within the site has been increased from 12 to 18.  The details provided in relation to the proposed cycle shelters are acceptable.


Lead Local Flood Authority: No further comment.


Archaeology: No objection.


Landscape Officer

No objection.


Drainage Engineer

No further comment.

Contaminated Land

No further observations to make.

Environmental Protection Team

No objection subject to lighting proposed being secured by condition (the lighting plan is to be an approved drawing).


Waste Management Team

No comment.





This update report should be read alongside the original report which is attached at Appendix 1.



The reasons for deferral sought a review of layout of on street parking spaces to allow for a continuous footway on the south side of the access road.  The plans as amended are considered to fully address the concerns raised by the Planning Committee.



The reduction of two parking spaces is acceptable to officers along with their parallel orientation.  The Highway Authority raises no objection.



The request by the Town Council for a marked footway within the care home plot is not necessary in your officers’ opinion.  The Highway Authority considers the amended proposal is acceptable and raises no safety concerns. Such provision would also detract from the visual quality of the scheme.  It is also considered a refusal on this ground would not be defendable on appeal in terms of highway safety, given the short distance from parking spaces to the entrance of the building where users have direct and visible sight lines across the car parking area. 






This application has been assessed against the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and all other material planning considerations.  In considering the application, due regard has been given to the representations received from statutory and other consultees. These have been considered in assessing the overall scheme.



The site is allocated in the adopted local plan and there is an extant outline planning permission on the site for up to 1500 dwellings with associated C2 uses.  Reserved Matters have also been previously approved for adjoining parcels of development and are under construction.



Reserved Matters details submitted in this application are acceptable.  Subject to the recommended conditions, the application should be approved.


Author:          Stuart Walker

Contact No:   01235 422600
